It was a gorgeous day towards the end of January and after all of the blizzards and winter weather advisories. The sun came out a little and I checked on my locations during this first warmth of the year. I went to the river and brought some lunch with me to eat at the boat ramp parking lot. The river was frozen over and there was fresh snow on top of the ice. It was silent at first and then straight ahead of my line of sight came some movement to the far north of the river coming towards my direction. It was three snowmobilers – whipping atop of the river! I wish I would have been in a better view to get some photos of them. In a flash they had vanished to the south.
After they blasted through, the surroundings began to feel serene again. On this day I didn’t spot any eagles which would have been common for this time of year.

There was evidence of early morning walkers probably doing the same thing that I was doing, taking a walk and checking up on the river. The tracks indicated deer moving towards and possibly over the river made my heart glad.

I was delighted to see the deer tracks at the river’s edge and I realized the wind blown and folded snow looked sculptural and it seemed like a very unique thing to behold. It was like Mother Nature had created an artwork only few would get a chance to see before the ice and snow melted.
I walked back and before I left, a red truck came flying from down the road. It looked new and had dealer plates. The couple in the truck drove around me in my vehicle at the top of the boat ramp parking lot and then they floored it and ramped over a snow pile which blocked off the rest of the driveway. They drove down and then quickly turned around and re-blasted through the now tire-tracked snow pile as they came out.
They left and I was with the calm of nature once again. I just had to laugh and shake my head thinking of how others enjoy and experience nature.
Thank you for reading and all the best, Tonya